Craig Mcgraw
I was born in Manchester NH in 1979 where my family lived until I was 11 years old. We moved to St. Petersburg Florida where I lived until moving back home to NH when I was 19 and have lived here since. From the age of 19 until I was 28, I worked in the building trades working on various projects including residential, commercial and industrial. In 2008 Things were tough in the building trade and I decided to make a change. I enlisted October 31, 2008 in the United States Army National Guard for 92W MOS (Water Treatment Specialist, Military Occupational Specialty). After completing Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training I Found employment with another company in this field where I worked simultaneously. I deployed to Afghanistan 2013-2014 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I separated from service in 2017 and began focusing solely on my civilian career.
In the Army my MOS focused intense and continued training not only on soldier skills but water sourcing, water analysis, water supply systems, water treatment systems and processes as well as water distribution systems in both developed and undeveloped theaters of operation. The ARNG has allowed me to serve my community and country on many missions both here at home and overseas.
I obtained my NH Small Public Water System Operator Licence in 2011 and my NH Pump Installers Licence in 2018. My career has afforded me the opportunity to help many homeowners and communities in designing, installing, servicing and maintaining safe and reliable water systems. I come from and have a very large family and am dedicated to them. They have helped shape my desire to serve our community and do my small part in preserving and improving our way of life.